There is something about Asia that gets me every time. The smells, the noise, the beautiful chaos. I love it! Landing in Bali, even though I was ridiculously tired, I was so happy to sit back and watch it all whizzing past my car window.  

Waking up in Ubud was heaven. It was, calm, peaceful and just what we needed. Walking the streets and peering into handcrafted jewelry stores and stopping in cute cafés was the perfect way to spend our first day. Ubud has a charm about it that I am yet to find in other Asian cities. A fusion of cultures that blends perfectly.

Waking up in Ubud, Bali.

Daily offerings on the footpath are part of everyday life.

We explored the Monkey Forest where I successfully avoided contact with all monkeys. Do you know how many diseases those things have?! And there were more than 600 of them in the one place, roaming free! But they were cute…

The remainder of our days were spent just wandering and taking in our surroundings. And of course, massages. At least one per day. 

And then it was time to leave Bali and set off to the Gilis!

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