Traveling is amazing, but it also has some downsides. Some days I crave decent conversation. In English. Taxco had been great, but there were NO other travelers in town and I was beginning to tire of my own company.
And then I met Ana.

Ana was in Taxco as her son is a bike racing enthusiast (starting early at 14) and so she had brought him to town so he could watch the race. We met at a coffee shop and chatted for almost 2 hours. Then as I was leaving she offered for me to stay with her on my way through.
I couldn’t resist.
When I arrived a few days later Ana was still out, but had organised for me to be let into her house. She had given up her room and INCREDIBLE bed for me. She made me lunch and fed me wine, then let me wash all my clothes. It was wonderful.
That evening I did a brief walking tour of Ana’s town, Ixtapan de Sal, a town famous for it’s curative waters. It was a lovely little town, with streets that actually reminded me of small towns in Australia. Although of course at the heart of town there was a church, there wasn’t a huge town square like I have seen in many other places. It was obvious that I was the only blonde tourist in town, as I attracted many many stares and ‘hola’s as I walked along.
The next day, Ana drove me to my next town even though it was out of her way. On the way we stopped in at her family business (Flores de San Francisco) – roses! Ana’s family grows roses and sells them through Mexico and internationally. 

Ana herself has an online florist shop which sells stunning arrangements –
While Ana caught up on phone calls I wandered and watched the flowers being sorted, arranged and packed. What a beautiful way to spend a day!

Ana’s generousity has been amazing and I am so thankful that I met her. Staying with her has been like a little oasis, a mini-break in the stream of hostels that is my life.
Thank you Ana! X