Things I have learnt since getting engaged…

Things I have learnt since getting engaged…

It’s only been a few weeks, but this is a steep learning curve.. I’ve learnt that… 1. As soon as you are engaged, you are expected to know when the wedding will be.   2. Flowers seem to be important. To everyone.   3. Everyone expects you to know...
Russian Remedies

Russian Remedies

The last time I wrote about school, (apart from the Der, Die, Das disaster) I was in Guatemala studying Reiki. Now, I am studying German in Austria and thoroughly enjoying being an international student. Don’t get me wrong, German isn’t easy (see my last post) but I...
Gender confusion in class…. Die, Der, Das

Gender confusion in class…. Die, Der, Das

Recently people have been asking me how my German lessons are coming along, so I thought I’d give you the real story. German isn’t the hardest language to learn, but it isn’t the easiest either. Why? Because everything has to be classified as male or...
Expat adjustments

Expat adjustments

As you would expect with moving to a new country, there are plenty of adjustments that need to be made. As well as the obvious, there are a few ‘more subtle’ ones that I have had to take on board… Hard hair Sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Turns out the water here is...
Taboo topics

Taboo topics

They say write about what scares you, so here goes…   A friend of mine recently emailed me about my move to Austria. She brought up an excellent point which got me thinking.  Moving for love.   As a ‘travel writer’ it almost seems a frowned upon...